The proposed of graphical representations is to exhibit relationships between ideas, data, information and concepts in a visual map or diagram. Graphical representations are easy to understand. They can also be edited and shared. The type of graphical representations will depend on the type of information shown and learning domain. They are one of the most effective learning strategies.
A structured representation of information is closer to the workings of the human brain (structure of neurons) than other ways e.g. notes, highlights main ideas.
Advantages of graphical representations:
- Facilitate and improve learning
- Helps to understand content
- Can be used in a variety of topics (lessons, articles, literature)
- Increase structured thinking
- Support creation of suggestive presentations
- Helps to communicate
- Useful for learning assessment and information evaluation
- Increase creativity and helps to brainstorming
Types of graphical representations:
- Mind Map
- Concept Map
- Info graphics
- Graphs