Make sure in advance that the materials you use are copyright-free. And in any case always credit the source.
Your slides and visual aids may incorporate text, photos, videos or graphics which you’ve taken from the internet or other sources.
In this case you must make sure in advance that they are copyright-free. And if they aren’t, you must ask the owner for permission to use them. You can’t simply copy and paste materials written by others and then publish or post them on a webpage or on social media.
If you do this, a quick internet search will find you out and you may be accused of plagiarism, and the owner could ask for compensation.
If you use copyright-free materials, you should in any case credit the source and the author. There are at least three good reasons to mention where the material came from:
First, it is ethically right to acknowledge some else’s work.
Second, anyone in the audience who is interested in your topic will be able to find the materials you used.
And third, referencing reliable, authoritative sources gives your presentation more credibility.