What’s the best way to ruin your talk?
So you’ve prepared a really good talk. An interesting topic for your audience, well put together, with memorable bits and some nice quotes, all accompanied by some fantastic slides.
Well, how on earth could you ruin all this good work?
Well, pretty easy really. Just by talking in a flat, monotonous voice without any intonation. The voice I am using now is built around only one note with the same pitch. You’ll agree that listening to someone speaking like this is unbearable, yes you are right it is really unbearable, please someone get me to shut up!
The secret is to change the pitch and tone of your voice. They make your voice more expressive. Just like when you sing, you should make use of a good range of notes, from high to low.
So, during your talk use different types of voice according to what you’re saying.
Try to put some passion into your words or show that you really believe what you are saying. When you’re listing simple facts and data your voice must be clear and authoritative. Your voice will be richer and fuller when you’re describing something you feel passionately about.
To get this effect you have to change the tone, rhythm and speed of your talk.
And please don’t mumble. Always pronounce words clearly, and without putting your hand in front of your mouth. I said please don’t mumble and pronounce everything clearly without putting your hand in front of your mouth.
And when you are delivering a talk in front of an audience, try to put some music into your words, and people will listen to you much more willingly.